Cirrus Presents at Simtect 2012

Posted 20 Jun 2012

An update on the key technologies for sensor simulation training systems have been presented to the simulation industry in a paper presented at Simtect 2012 by Cirrus’ Managing Director, Mr. Peter Freed.

In the paper Mr. Freed set out how Cirrus’ foundation technologies for simulation - the Simulation Training Network (STN) and Sensor Simulation Engine (SSE) - have been readily adapted to create simulation training solutions for two very different military roles; the Air Combat Officer and the Helicopter Control Officer.

For further information on Cirrus, refer to, or contact Mr Peter Freed, (02) 9281 4449.

Click here for the presentation paper
Click here for the powerpoint presentation

In the paper Mr. Freed set out how Cirrus’ foundation technologies for simulation have been readily adapted

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